Kids-Lift works with Premium Service Brands franchise owners in communities across the United States and Canada to give back to vulnerable kids, their families, and their schools. Our effective programming fits the needs of each community we work with, while advocating for ways to best address issues of poverty and hunger. When we work together, we can lift all kids in need.
Kids-Lift Donates 200 Backpacks to Local Families
“Our mission has always been to strengthen the communities in which PSB works so that every child has the opportunity to reach higher and achieve greater in school and beyond,” said Kids-Lift Executive Director Samantha Lin. “Every child needs a boost to feel their best, especially now.”
Kids-Lift continues our dedication to our communities by supporting families in our local School District through a direct food donation program in collaboration with the district’s department of social services. Currently, this is designed to provide relief and supplies to children and families who may be in need during our current pandemic. Our nonprofit has donated 200 bags of food over two sessions — once immediately following the closure of schools, filling 80 backpacks of meals for students, and again as the shutdown continued, with the donation of an additional 120 bags of food.
You can view the full release here.
Kids-Lift Featured on The Franchise Bible Coach Podcast
The Vice President of Marketing for Premium Service Brands and Executive Director of Kids-Lift, Samantha Lin, was recently featured on an episode of Business Radio X’s show: Franchise Bible Coach. Their host got to sit down with Samantha and discuss what we are working to accomplish every day at Kids-Lift.
They also had the chance to discuss what Kids-Lift and Premium Service Brands franchise owners have been doing to ensure the children in communities affected by COVID-19 are being taken care of since they have lost access to school-provided breakfast, lunch, and other activities.
We have been extremely proud of the differences our team has been able to make, even with the stay-at-home restrictions. We are continuing to discover other ways of helping our communities during this trying time, and we’ll keep you updated as we roll them out.
You can listen to the full interview with the executive director of Kids-Lift, Samantha Lin, here.
How You Can Help
If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved with the continued work Kids-Lift is doing throughout our nation, please reach out to us here. In addition to using our online contact form, we are asking our communities to donate to our virtual food drive to help support our efforts of providing food and other basic supplies to kids and families who are currently being affected by the pandemic. You can see our full Amazon Wish-List here to donate today!
You can always stay in touch, ask questions, or learn how you can get in help by going here.